ASAE Research Foundation Benchmarking

ASAE Research Foundation benchmarking reports provide insight on financial, operations, compensation and benefits, policies and procedures, and investment management. The data is collected through surveys of ASAE members and nonmembers and, in the case of ASAE’s Operating Ratio Report, from publicly available IRS Form 990 reports.

These studies are available as PDF downloads and through AssociaMetrics, ASAE’s online benchmarking portal, allowing professionals to create customized reports for their needs.


Association Compensation and Benefits Study, 2020-2021 Edition, individual position reports

Compensation tables for 75 individual positions in association functional areas are available as downloadable PDFs.


Association Investment Policies, Practices, and Performance, 2020-2021 Edition

The report analyzes the investment policies, practices, and performance of participating associations. Fiducient Advisors, formerly DiMeo and Associates, provides investment expertise in the areas of oversight and governance, allocations, long term reserves, and strategy. Associations can benchmark to their peers in terms of reserve size or annual revenues.



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