Sal Martino Grant for Conscious Inclusion Research
The Sal Martino Grant for Conscious Inclusion Research is dedicated to advancing knowledge and best practices of conscious inclusion within association management and leadership. This prestigious grant awards up to $15,000 per cycle to a single outstanding research proposal that explores and promotes conscious inclusion in nonprofit membership organizations and member-serving entities.
This grant is designed to support the research efforts of academics, association management professionals, and consultants/private contractors working in the field of association management. Eligible applicants include individuals currently matriculating or working within academic institutions, as well as industry professionals committed to fostering inclusive practices in nonprofit leadership and organizational management.
By funding innovative research, the Sal Martino Grant seeks to deepen the understanding of conscious inclusion and drive meaningful change in association leadership, ultimately strengthening the fabric of diverse and equitable organizations.
The program is designed to support research initiatives undertaken by individuals actively engaged in an academic community such as faculty, students, and research interns—as well as professionals in association management, including full-time employees and consultants. Eligible proposals must demonstrate a clear intent to explore conscious inclusion themes within the context of association management and highlight the potential impact on nonprofit membership organizations and member-serving entities.
ASAE membership is not required but is strongly encouraged.
Funds will be issued to the employing entity (e.g., academic institution), not individuals, for direct costs only.
Program Cycle
Monday, March 3 — Monday, May 19, 2025
Apply Here
Past Recipients
Women in Engineering ProActive Network or "WEPAN"
Their research is titled An intersectional, critical mixed-methods approach to understanding member experiences with STEM professional society and association culture which will be lead by WEPAN's Research Director, Dr. Heather Metcalf.
Recipient Organization Website:
American University
The Effects of the Intersectionality of Gender and Race on Members’ Involvement in Membership Associations
Primary Investigator: Khaldoun AbouAssi, Ph.D., Provost Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration & Policy, School of Public Affairs
Read the Abstract
Ohio University
Promoting Professional Association Leadership through Career Mentoring for Early-Career Under-Represented Minority Physicians
Primary Investigator: Rosellen Roche, Associate Professor of Primary Care; Public Health and Community Medicine
Read the Abstract
Kennesaw State University
Building Diverse Association Memberships Through Pipeline Programs: An Evaluation of the Association of Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action’s (ARNOVA) Diversity Scholars Professional Development Program
Primary Investigator: Jennifer A. Wade-Berg, PhD, CNP, Associate Professor & Campus Executive Director of the Nonprofit Leadership Alliance
Read the Abstract
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