Each person who chooses to make a donation to the foundation has a reason for giving back, and we love to hear the stories of why they choose to offer their generous support.
The foundation is pleased to provide a variety of benefits to our donors. They receive exclusive access to new research findings and special events throughout the year. In addition, we recognize them on our website, in our publications, and with special designation on our conference badges. We appreciate the support of all of our donors—without them, our work would not be possible.
For more information about the benefits of supporting ASAE Research Foundation, contact asaefoundation@asaecenter.org.
The ASAE Research Foundation has an amazing community of individual supporters. Click the links below to view the names of supporters.
- Tribute Supporters
- APAC Match Supporters
- Individual Supporters from Past Years:
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011
A note to our supporters: We appreciate your generous donations to the ASAE Research Foundation, and we want to recognize everyone with complete accuracy. If we have inadvertently made an error, please contact the ASAE Foundation at 202-626-2893 to request a correction.
As of September 1, 2023, the ASAE Research Foundation will no longer accept new pledges for the Leadership Society, however, current Leadership Society Donors will continue to receive their recognition and Platinum-level benefits upon pledge completion.
Individual Supporters Individual Lifetime Supporters
2024 Individual Supporters
Platinum Level Donors $15,000-$24,999
Lowell Aplebaum, EdD, FASAE, CAE
Ross Heller
Gold Level Donors $5,000-$14,999
Heidi Brock
Matt Gertzog, FASAE, CAE
Reggie Henry, CAE
Michelle Mason, FASAE, CAE
Silver Level Donors $1,000-$4,999
Lori Anderson, FASAE, CAE
Nat Bartholomew, CPA
Peter and Suzanne Berry Charitable Trust
Celia Besore, MBA, FASAE, CAE
Pat Blake, FASAE, CAE
Rebecca Brandt, CAE
David Cade
Rita Chen Fujisawa, MBA, CAE
JJ Colburn, CAE
Neal Couture, CAE
Jeff De Cagna, AIMP, FRSA, FASAE
Tom Dolan, PhD, FACHE, CAE (Ret.)
Glenn East, CAE
Steve Echard, CAE
Karl Ely, CAE
Harriet Fader, CAE (Ret.)
Melinda Farris, CAE
Chuck Fazio
Michael Feinson, MBA
Earl Franks, EdD, CAE
Erin Fuller, FASAE, CAE
Natalie Gillard
Nancy Green, FASAE, CAE
Brian Haney, CAE
Keller Brengle Charitable Fund
Gayathri Kher
Kim Knight, MBA, CMP, CAE
Christina Lewellen, CAE
Marty Liggett, Esq.
Robin Lokerman, CMM, FASAE
Bob London, FASAE, CAE
Sal Martino, FASAE
David McAuley
Kristine Metter, CAE
Steve Mister, CAE
Trevor Mitchell, FASAE, CAE
Patti Montague, FASAE, CAE
Sharon Newport, CAE
Donald Palmisano, Jr., JD, CAE
Al Rickard, CAE
Judith Rorrie
Joe Sapp, CAE
Jeff Shields, FASAE, CAE
Linda Shinn, FASAE, CAE (Ret.)
Sheri Singer
Larry Sloan, FASAE, CAE
Beth Surmont, FASAE, CAE
Wendy-Jo Toyama, MBA, FASAE, CAE
Debbie Trueblood, IOM, FASAE, CAE
Leslie Whittet, CAE
Scott Wiley, FASAE, CAE
Kesha Willis, CNP, CAE
Marc Willis, PhD
Aaron Wolowiec, MSA, CMP Fellow, CAE
Jim Zaniello, FASAE
Greta Zeimetz, CAE
Bronze Level Donors $5-$999
Rick Abrams, JD
Susan Adams, CAE
David Akridge, CAE
Kim Allison, CASE, CTA, CAE
William Allmond
Chantal Almonord, CAE
Jeff Altman, JD
Juan Amador, FASAE, CAE
Paul Amundsen, MNA, CAE
Bill Anderson, Jr., CAE
Jennifer Apple
Ray Arambula
Nicole Araujo, CAE
Maricela Arias-Cantu, CAE
Sharon Armogan-Aguayo
Cie Armstead, DBA
J.W. Arnold, CAE
Eileen Arnold-Ley, CFRE, CAE
Claudia Askew
Carylann Assante, CAE
Keith Backsen
John Bacon, MBA
Chrissy Bagby, PMP, CAE
Georgi Bailey, CAE
Jennifer Baker, CAE
Deirdre Ball
Inne Barber, CAE
Danielle Baron, FASAE, CAE
Chris Barton
Preet Bassi, CAE
Emily Bax
Kelli Baxter
Jamie Beaulieu, CAE
Marc Beebe, CAE
Patrick Belics
Phil Bell, CAE
S'Neta Benefield
Dave Bergeson, PhD, CAE
Karen Bernstein, CAE
Christin Berry, CAE
Kimberlee Berry, CAE
Heather Blanchard, CAE
Mike Boa, CAE
Melvin Bodmer, Jr.
Carla Bolt
Mariama Boney, CAE
Genevieve Borello, MPA, CAE
Dave Bornmann
Lynda Bouchard Patterson, FASAE, CAE
Shawn Boynes, FASAE, CAE
Stefan Bradham, CAE
Lynette Bradley-Baker, CAE
Katie Brady Mollison
John Brazzell
Toni Brearley
Rebecca Breeden
Spencer Brignac
Julie Broadway, CAE
Shaniece Brown
Katrina Bruce
Stacy Brungardt, CAE
Steph Bruno, CAE
Matthew Brusch, CAE
Adrienne Bryant, CAE
Mona Buckley, MPA, CAE
Linda Budzinski
Chris Bugbee
Janice Bunting, CAE
Justin Burniske
Rick Burt, CAE
Maria Buscemi, CAE
Michael Butera
Tiffany Byrd
Allison Cabaniss
Brian Calvary, Jr., CAE
Ned Campbell
Erin Campo, CAE
Susan Cantrell, CAE
Duane Capuano, MBA
Cheryl Carey, MBA, CAE
Darcie Carney, CAE
Brittany Carter
Eryn Carter
Henry Chamberlain, APR, FASAE, CAE
Mike Chamberlain, MBA, CAE
Belinda Chandler, CAE
Richard Chang
Matt Chase
Lindsay Childress-Beatty, CAE
Deborah Chin, CAE
Camille Cimino
Gayle Claman, CAE
Shaundra Clark
Johnny Clayton
Tanika Coates, CDE
Kimberly Coerr
Clayonia Colbert-Dorsey
Bryan Cole
Hannes Combest, FASAE, CAE
Tobin Conley, CIP, CAE
James Connelly
Maria Cook
Tracy Cooper
Lauren Corbin, CAE
John Courtney, PhD
Robin Covington
Haley Cox
Kelley Cox, IOM, CAE
Dave Coyne, CFRE
Clara Cozort
Madeleine Crouch
Jeffrey Cufaude
Mary Kate Cunningham, CAE
Lindsay Currie, CAE
Diana Dabdub, CAE
Aaron Dahnke
Luke Davis, CAE
Heather Dean, CPA, CAE
Molly Dedona
Craig Dellorso, MBA, CAE
Loretta DeLuca, FASAE
Dorothy Deng
Laurie Denham
Megan Denhardt, CAE
Vanessa Dennison, CAE
Chris DeSantis
Michael Desiderio
Pierre Désy, CAE
Tammy Dillard-Steels, MPH, MBA, CAE
Anonymous DipJar
Tom Dobbins, CAE
Pete Doherty, CAE
Mike Dominguez, CHSE, FASAE
Pam Donahoo, FASAE, CAE
Kristi Donovan, CAE
Matthew D'Uva, FASAE, CAE
Timothy Ebner
Moira Edwards, MS, CAE
Wes Ehrecke, FASAE, CAE
Sara El Saied
Lakia Elam
Laniyyah Elam, MBA, PMP, CAPM
Nabil El-Ghoroury, PhD, CAE
Diane Elkins
Bradley Elliott, CAE
Carmen Elliott, MS, CAE
Tony Ellis, MSEd, ICE-CCP, CAE
John Enghauser
Mark Engle, D.M., FASAE, CAE
Arthur Evans, Jr., PhD
Ruth Evetts
Lisa Fain
Amy Farmer, CAE
Joseph Felperin
Karin Fendrich, CPA
Chris Flock
Danielle Foisy, FASAE
John Folks, CAE
Kim Ford
Victoria Forlini, CAE
Frank Fortin, CAE
Leslie Frazier
Denise Freier
Pamela Frestedt
Julie Fuselier, CAE
Catherine Gahres, MBA, CAE
Laila-Rose Galvin
Melissa Garcia, FASAE, CAE
Lon Garrison
Jeanette Gass, CAP, ACNP, DES
Lauren Gaydosh
Michiel Gen
Keith Gentry, MS, CAE
Molly Georgakis, CAE
Jim Gibson
Daniel Ginsberg
Tracy Lyn Ginsburg
Patrick Glaser, MA, MPA
Nikki Golden, CAE
Josh Goldman, CAE
Blake Goldmerstein
Abner Gonsalves, CAE
James Goodman, CAE
Anthony Goodson
Mark Graham
Lori Granich, CAE
Mark Granquist
Tracey Gray-Walker
Jennifer Green, CAE
Richard Green, CASE
Fred Grubbe, MBA, CAE
Jason Guilbeau, PhD, CAE
Erik Haas
Zerihun Haile-Selassie, CAE
Malisa Haley
Charles Hall, Jr.
Heidi Haneberg, CAE
Allen Haney, FASAE, CAE
Deborah Hanger, CAE
Erik Hansen
Jamila Harley
Jonathan Harms
Matt Harney, CAE
John Hawley
Saima Hedrick, CAE
Pam Hemann, FASAE, CAE
Teresa Henderson
Rob Henry
Angie Hickman, CAE
Jessica Hickman
Jim Hieb, CAE
Amy Hissrich, CAE
Ashley Hodak Sullivan, CAE
Cindy Holzheimer
James Hood
Lorelle Hopkins, IOM, CDF, CAE
Tim Hopkins, CAE
Cathi Horner, CAE
Kristen Hrusch
DeAnna Hughes
Ross Hutchings, CAE
Keith Hymel, FASAE
Wendy Hymes, CAE
Liz Icenogle, CAE
Jessica Irizarry
Mani Jagadeesan
Robin Jenkins, CAE
Dave Jennings, CAE
Dana Johnston
Haley Jones, CAE
Mark Jones, CAE
Wells Jones
Kyle Jordan, CEM-AP, CMP, DES, CMM, C
Mel Jordan-Carr, MS
Jack Kalavritinos
Jay Karen, CAE
Yousef Kassis
Casey Keach
Lida Khodabakhshi
Sabrina Kidwai, CAE
Chelsea Killam, IOM
Meg Killian, CAE
Walter Kim
Erica King
Teresa Kinney, RCE, CAE
Brian Kirkland, CAE
Doug Kleine, CAE
Samyuktha KN
Mary Jane Kolar, FASAE, CAE (Ret.)
Jakub Konysz, CAE
Mike Kowalski, CAE
Teri Kramer
Adam Kuhn
Laurie Kulikosky, CAE
Stu Kushner, CAE
Stephanie Kusibab
Gary Labranche, FASAE, CAE
Emily Lamb
Hilary Lamonte
Maunda Land, MBA, CMP, CAE
Tom Leary, MA, FHIMSS, CAE
Chris Lechner
Robb Lee
Steve Legault, CAE
John Leonardi
Amy Lestition Burke, FASAE, CAE
Tatiana Letcheva
Adam Levy, CAE
Dina Lewis, CAE
Haley Licata
Randy Lindner, CAE
Wanda Little-Coffey, CAE
Tori Liu, FASAE, CAE
Tamesha Logan, MBA
Michael Loizzi
Charlene Lopez
John Losh, III
Madison Luciani
Dean Lynch, CAE
Dennis Maggi, CAE
Travis Major
Cheryl Malone, CAE (Ret.)
Dawn Mancuso, MAM, FASAE, CAE
LeeAnn Mandrillo
Steven Mandurano, CAE
George Maravich
Morgan Maravich
Sue Marchese Lewis, MS, CAE
Colette Marquardt
Gladys Marrone, CAE
Alexander Martinez
Carol Martinez
Sabri Math, CAE
Cindy McGovern
Kerri McGovern, MPP, CAE
Carrie McIntyre
Nives McLarty
Ryan McLaughlin
Danielle McLean, CAE
Lemmie McNeilly, PhD, FASAE, CAE
Jennifer McNelly, CAE
Mark McSweeney, CAE
Susan Medick, CPA, CAE
Jim Meffert
Jen Mehltretter, CAE
Greg Melia, CAE
Diana Mertz, CAE
Adrienne Meyer, CAE
John Meyer
Willam Michalisin
Michael Mikitka
George Miller, CAE
Margaret Miller, CMP
Sara Miller, CAE
Michelle Mills Clement, FASAE, CAE
Anuja Miner
Jake Minor
Jason Morgan
Jeff Morgan, FASAE, CAE
Michele Morgan, DES, CMP
Will Morgan
Doug Morris
Erin Mosher
Bathabile Mthombeni
Erin Murphy
Gerry Murphy, FASAE, CAE
Lindsay Murphy
Eileen Murray, MM, CAE
Meg Murray
Ben Muscolino
Kristopher Nabors
Bennett Napier, II, CAE
Kim Napolitano
Natalie Nardone, CMP, CAE
Jane Nelson, CAE
Mark Nelson, PhD, MBA, FASAE, CAE
Meghan Newton
Mike Niederpruem, PhD, CAE
Sally Noona, CMP
Mike Norbut
Chris Norem
Jenn Novesky, MPS
Monica Occhetti, ICE-CCP, CAE
Ericka Ochoa, CAE
Rob Olcott, FASAE, CAE
Peter O'Neil, FASAE, CAE
Evert Orinion
Vivienne Oxford
Jason Oxman, CAE
David Panitch
Gaurav Parikh
Rob Paterkiewicz, IOM, MBA, CAE
Charlotte Patterson
Chris Peck, CAE
Stephen Peeler, CFRE, FCEP
Christine Pepper, CAE
Michael Pereira, CAE
Emilie Perkins
George Persekian
Haley Pertzborn, PharmD, RP
Joanne Phillips
Christy Phillips, DM
Lisa Wallenda Picard
Barry Pilson, CAE
Sue Pine, FASAE, CAE
Joanna Pineda
Betsy Piper/Bach, JD, CFP, CIMA
Paul Pomerantz, FASAE, CAE
Charles Popper
Fabi Preslar
Peter Preziosi, CAE
Jackie Price Osafo, MBA, CAE
Jessica Prior
Adam Proger
Tara Puckey, CAE
Tom Quash, CAE
Marie Queen, MA
Moby Quesada
Silvia Quevedo, CAE
Chris Quinn, CAE
Sue Radwan, CAE
Natasha Rankin, CAE
Tara Read
Alexis Redmond, JD, MA, CAE
Emily Reineke, CAE
Justin Reyes
Michael Rhim
Katelyn Riley
Kara Riordan
Dyhanara Rios
Jenay Robert
Debbie Robichaud
Denise Roosendaal, FASAE, CAE
Pam Rosenberg, CAE
Michele Ross, FASAE
Audra Rothermel
Julia Ruane
Mindy Saffer, LEED AP
Amy Sajko, CFRE
Camille Sanders, PCM, DCMA, CAE
Lee Sanders, CAE
Liz Santana, CAE
Christine Sawchuk
Brenda Schimenti, MS
Judith Schmidt, MSN, RN
Ken Schoppmann, CAE
David Schulman
Greg Schultz, CAE
Justin Scott, CAE
Katie Scott, CAE
Stephen Sears
Debbie Segor, CAE
John Segota, MPS, CAE
Jemilah Senter
Patrick Serfass
Danelkis Serra
Sheri Sesay-Tuffour, PhD, FASAE, ICE-CCP, IOM
Nikki Shanks
Donte Shannon, FASAE, CAE
Jeanne Sheehy, MBA
Ronald Shepard, CAE
Tiffany Shepherd, CAE
Richard Shermanski, Esq.
Steve Shivak, CAE
Isabel Shocket
Suzanne Shomers, MBA, CAE
Rachael Sifuentes
Melissa Simcox
David Skiles
Keith Skillman, CAE
Hanif Smith
Simone Smith
Steve Smith, CAE
Damita Snow, CAE
Jayne Somes-Schloesser, CAE
Wayne Speaks
Jason Spessard, CAE
Kerry Stackpole, IOM, FASAE, CAE
Charles Starks
Rhea Steele, FASAE, CAE
Andy Steggles
Angie Stengel, CAE
Blake Stenning, CAE
Nick Stepaniak
Terri Stewart, CAE
Russ Stoner, CAE
Annie Storey, CAE
Kathy Swann, PhD, CAE
Tirrah Switzer
Linda Taliaferro, CAE
LaToya Tapscott, CAE
Allegra Tasaki
Marty Tatman
Chip Tatum, CAE
James Taylor, MS, CSM
Jeff Tenenbaum, Esq.
Stacy Tetschner, FASAE, CAE
Nisha Thakker, Esq.
Danielle Thomas-Pollard
Jim Thompson, CAE
Crystal Thornebrooke
Ellen Thorp, CAE
Robert Tobiassen
Wes Tomer
April Tone, MBA, CAE
John Torres, CAE
Lance Trebesch
Jill Treby, CAE
Lorrie Trogden, CAE
Pam Troop, CMP
Kristen Truong
Diana Tucker, CAE
Michelle Turenne, CAE
Lynn Tuttle, CAE
Viviana Urdaneta Melo
Steve Van Hout, MBA, CAE
Mark Vasquez, CAE
Ashlee Vaughn
Lane Velayo, CAE
Carol Vernon
Nathan Victoria, CAE
Todd Vradenburg
Jenny Wade
Joan Wade
Zack Wahlquist, FASAE, RCE, CAE
Brian Wall, PharmD, CAE
Nate Wambold, CAE
Irving Washington, FASAE, CAE
Kelsea Watson
Liz Watson
Brooke Weldon
Kristine Wells
Rob Wenger
Dean West, FASAE
Sally Westlake, CAE
Mary Wheatley, IOM, CAE
Johnnie White, MBA, CMP, CAE
Pat White
Paula White
Andrea Wieters, MPP
Barb Wilkinson
Amy Williams, CAE
Patrick Wilson
Camille Winer
Cathey Wise, CAE
Gregg Witt
Jerry Won
Lakisha Woods, CAE
Justin Wren
Richard Yep, FASAE, CAE
Ben Yzaguirre, CAE
Debra Zabloudil, FACHE
Celia Zamora, PhD, CAE