Scholarly Research Grants Program

The Scholarly Research Grants Program (SRGP) aims to encourage collaborative research between members of the academic and practitioner communities to expand and advance knowledge in association management and leadership. Each Grant of up to $15,000 is awarded to support proposals from academicians and association professionals that investigate research questions crucial to association management functions and concerns.


ASAE Research Foundation is an established primary creator and resource for research and information in the association community. Through this grant, ASAE Research Foundation intends to expand and promote academic research that advances knowledge in association management and leadership, creating new conversations, and raising the profile of nonprofit research both inside and outside academia.



George Washington University
Who Joins and Leaves Associations? An Analysis of Longitudinal Survey Data
Principal Investigator: Kyle Albert, Assistant Research Professor



University of Washington
How, When and Why do Associations Advocate? Association Engagement in the Policy Process
Principal Investigator: Mary Kay Gugerty, PhD, Professor, Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy & Governance


SRGP has been fueling academic research projects that impact the association field since 2015. 

Learn More about past grant recipients.


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